Introductory Webinar: Deep Dive into Tracking NDC Mitigation Commitments under the Paris Agreement (for the CBIT-GSP Anglophone Africa Network)
Introductory Webinar: Deep Dive into Tracking NDC Mitigation Commitments under the Paris Agreement (for the CBIT-GSP Anglophone Africa Network)
to Europe/Copenhagen

The Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency - Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) together with PATPA and the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment of South Africa organized the training on Deep-dive into tracking NDC mitigation commitments under the Paris Agreement” for the Anglophone Africa Regional Transparency Network under the CBIT-GSP project. The in-person training will take place in Pretoria from 16 to 18 May.

The training comprised of 4 consecutive stages of which this introductory webinar presented the first stage. This approach ensured that the training delivers on its objectives and in the end the participants were equipped with the necessary knowledge to be able to track their own NDCs.

Stage 1: Introductory webinar (25 April 2023)

Stage 2: Collection of data in-country for use during the in-person workshop

Stage 3: In-person workshop (16-18 May)

Stage 4: Follow-up after the in-person workshop



The objective of the webinar was to introduce participants to NDC tracking, mitigation analysis and present examples of filled common reporting tables to give participants an idea on what was likely to achieved after the training. The participants were also given the required template to collect necessary information from thier own country for use during the in-person workshop in Pretoria during hands-on exercises (16-18 May 2023).


This webinar and consecutive training are for selected participants from Anglophone African countries only.

Area: Climate mitigation, Climate transparency, Data collection and management, GHG inventory, NDC tracking
Sector: AFOLU, Energy, Livestock, Transport, Waste
Region: Africa
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa