Reporting adaptation through the biennial transparency report: A practical explanation of the guidance
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Reporting adaptation through the biennial transparency report: A practical explanation of the guidance
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With the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, countries have agreed to significantly enhance the scope, quality, and frequency of their adaptation reporting. As part of this development, as of 2024, countries will be expected to undertake their national adaptation reporting via the BTR, a new reporting-instrument that will be submitted by countries to the UNFCCC every two years to report on the progress countries are making towards all the goals of the Paris Agreement. The guide helps those working for national governments to understand what the guidelines mean in practice and how they could tangibly translate into the reports that they will need to produce in the coming years. In addition to this, the guide also provides readers with an overview of the new instrument landscape for communicating and reporting on adaptation under the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC.  
Publisher: UNOPS
Language: English