IGES Biennial Update Report (BUR) Database
Guidelines and Tools
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Guidelines and Tools
IGES Biennial Update Report (BUR) Database
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IGES Biennial Update Report (BUR) Database provides key information reported in biennial update reports (BURs) submitted by Non-Annex I Countries to the UNFCCC. According to UNFCCC COP decision 2/CP.17, non-Annex I Parties, consistent with their capabilities and the level of support provided for reporting, should submit their first BUR by December 2014; the least developed country Parties and small island developing States may submit biennial update reports at their discretion. According to the decision, a BUR provides an update to the most recently submitted national communication in various areas including a national GHG inventory, information on national circumstances and institutional arrangements, mitigation actions and their effects, constraints and gaps, related financial, technical and capacity needs, support received, and domestic measurement reporting and verification. A National Inventory Report (NIR) may be submitted separately from the BUR. This Database does not intend to assess each BUR according to the requirements of the guidelines, rather it aims to show the existing information included in reports. The Database covers GHG Inventory, Mitigation Actions and International Market Mechanisms, Support Needed, and Support Received. It includes information from 72 BURs submitted by 44 countries (44 First BUR, 24 Second BUR, and 4 Third BUR), submitted to the UNFCCC as of 1 June 2019.
Publisher: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English