This new modalities, procedures and guidelines of the transparency framework for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement make reference to the Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparancy twice:
Recognizing that the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency, established pursuant to decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 84, will continue to support developing country Parties, upon request, to build their institutional and technical capacity, both pre- and post2020;
Requests the Global Environment Facility to continue to support the operation of the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency as a priority reporting-related need;
The Conference of Parties further:
Encourages the Global Environment Facility to consider options for improving the efficiency of the process for providing support for reporting under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, in particular for addressing the challenges in the application process, including by potentially providing an avenue for Parties to apply for funding for more than one report through the same application in each replenishment period;
Urges the Global Environment Facility and its implementing and executing agencies, and encourages the Global Environment Facility Council, to consider options for improving the efficiency of the process for providing support for reporting under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, including through better streamlining of the processes related to applications, implementation plans and signing of grant agreements;
Please note that this is an advance distribution version of the document. The official English version with identical content and the translations into the other official United Nations languages will be made available as soon as issued by the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the PA
Publisher: UNFCCC
Area: Climate transparency
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English