The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare a selection of the available tools for economic analysis of a set of mitigation measures, and to produce an overview of their capabilities that will inform model / tool selection in terms of the specific needs and available resources of developing countries. The study builds on the work done by the NDC Partnership’s Toolbox Navigator which identifies a range of available tools by gathering supplementary information on the research questions that different modelling tools address. This information has been drawn from interviews with model developers and policy makers, and from academic reviews and consultants’ advice on the selection of modelling tools.
The report provides:
An overview of the main types of modelling tools that could support NDC planning activities.
Examples of how specific modelling tools have been used for the INDC/NDC development and similar country-level energy/emissions modelling applications.
A methodology that could be used to select modelling tools for further consideration.
Suggestions for some possible starting points for policy makers seeking to select a modelling tool (or tools) that could support their immediate policy development requirements.
Methodological approach towards the assessment of simulation models suited for the economic evaluation of mitigation measures to facilitate NDC implementation
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English