Review and test the GHG data base prototype developed by the consultant
Review and test the GHG data base prototype developed by the consultant
to Africa/Harare
Location: Chegutu, Zimbabwe

The CBIT project provides for consultancy services to undertake the development and operationalization of the Data management system and the Climate change Transparency Portal. It is against this background that a one day workshop is being organized to review and test the GHG data base prototype developed by the consultant, define components of the Climate Change Transparency Portal and define the scope of work for the operationalization of these two data and information management components of the MRV system. The testing will be done using forest and livestock activity data. Meeting objectives include:  To pilot test the prototype data developed under FNC and NAP, using AFOLU sector data  To review the GHG inventory database and its critical quality control and assurance requirements  To define key components of the Climate Change Transparency portal and its architecture and management  To define the scope of work for the operationalization of the GHG inventory database and Online Transparency Portal