Workshop on Reporting Systems under the Enhanced Transparency Framework
Workshop on Reporting Systems under the Enhanced Transparency Framework
to UTC
Location: Virtual

The Paris Agreement was adopted by the Parties at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's (UNFCCC) 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in December 2015. The Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) is a crucial result of the Paris Agreement for tracking and reporting the progress of existing and future country commitments, with built-in flexibility for developing country Parties. In November 2021, the third Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA.3) provided guidance to the GEF on supporting developing country Parties in ETF implementation. In particular, decision 12/CMA.3 paragraph 7(a) requested the GEF to estimate "the cost to developing countries of implementing the enhanced transparency framework, which includes establishing and enhancing a reporting system, as well as the full agreed cost of reporting and the cost of capacity-building for reporting.” The objective of this workshop was to discuss how the GEF, countries, and agencies are addressing issues related to establishing and enhancing the reporting system referred to in paragraph 7(a) of decision 12/CMA.3. Participants included government representatives, members from the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), the UNFCCC Secretariat, and relevant GEF implementing agencie