Webinar: Experiences of Serbia and North Macedonia in implementation of their CBIT projects
Webinar: Experiences of Serbia and North Macedonia in implementation of their CBIT projects
to Europe/Belgrade
Location: online

The Global Support Programme for MRV (GSP UNDP) in collaboration with UNDP Serbia and UNDP North Macedonia are holding this webinar to present how implementation of a CBIT project can be used for structuring comprehensive MRV systems under the enhanced transparency system and how climate transparency can be used to enhance climate action. Agenda: Moving to Biennial Transparency Reports: Damiano Borgogno, UNDP Structuring comprehensive MRV system for Serbia under the enhanced transparency framework: Miroslav Tadic, UNDP Serbia; and Snezana Ostojic Paunovic, UNDP Serbia Using climate transparency to enhance climate action - the North Macedonian experience: Pavlina Zdraveva, UNDP North Macedonia; Petranka Boncheva, UNDP North Macedonia

Agency: UNDP