An updated version of the Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) tool is available now!
An updated version of the Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) tool is available now!

The UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC) has released an updated version of its Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) tool. 

This update (version 2.2) includes:

✅ An additional Step 9 “Results in BTR format”. This new Step 9 includes two tables identical to the CTF Tables of the Biennial Transparency Report, namely CTF Tables 7 (Projections in scenario with measures) and CTF Table 9 (Projections in scenario without measures). GACMO automatically converts the results from the “Results” sheet and automatically fills in the two tables of the “Results BTR” sheet.

✅A revised sectoral disaggregation in the emissions data for the start year and projected years (Step 3 and Step 6). The revised disaggregation is now defined so that the categories are identical to the categories of the Common Reporting Tables (CRT) agreed upon by the Parties to the Paris Agreement. These changes have been made to align the GACMO input tables and output results with the IPCC inventory categories.

✅A disaggregation of the projections by gases: CO2, CH4, and N2O in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent.

✅New results tables in Step 8 (“Results” sheet) incorporating total GHG emissions projections with and without LULUCF, as well as total GHG emissions projections by sectors and by sub-sectors (in line with CRT) and by gases.

You can find the updated GACMO tool here:

The GACMO version 2 has been developed with the support of the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT).