Press release

Pursuant to the Modalities, Procedures, and Guidelines (MPGs) for the enhanced transparency framework, Parties under the Paris Agreement tasked the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to develop common reporting tables and common reporting formats to standardize the reporting arrangements under the Paris Agreement. The development of CRTs and CTFs by SBSTA is a significant step towards enhancing the reporting mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. These tools are designed to ensure that reporting is standardized, transparent, comprehensive, and accountable, all of which are essential for the success of the Agreement and global climate action. In the last few months, the UNFCCC secretariat has been developing these set of tools and are now ready to introduce them to parties. These tools are designed to assist member countries in their reporting obligations, ensuring that climate action is not just effective but also transparent.

A New Era of Reporting

The new tools come at a time when the world is increasingly recognizing the importance of accurate and timely climate reporting. As countries ramp up their efforts to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the fast-approaching deadline for the first biennial transparency report, the need for robust reporting mechanisms has never been more evident.

The UNFCCC's new tools aim to:

  • Simplify the reporting process for member countries.
  • Ensure consistency and accuracy in the data reported.
  • Provide a platform for countries to share best practices and challenges.

Testing and Training: Regional Climate Weeks

To ensure that these tools are effective and user-friendly, the UNFCCC will be conducting tests and training sessions on the sidelines of the upcoming Regional Climate Weeks. These sessions will serve multiple purposes:

  1. Hands-on Experience: Countries will get a first-hand experience of the tools, understanding their functionalities and features.
  2. Feedback Collection: The UNFCCC will gather feedback from users, ensuring that the tools are refined and optimized based on actual user experiences.
  3. Capacity Building: The training sessions will equip countries with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use these tools for their reporting obligations.

This training is crucial for a comprehensive understanding and effective implementation of the reporting requirements under the Paris Agreement. It would be important that countries send the relevant experts and practitioners to this training to ensure that country teams are well-equipped to use the tools will enhance the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of reporting under the enhanced transparency framework.

Features of the New Tools

While detailed specifications will be unveiled during the Regional Climate Weeks, some anticipated features of the new reporting tools include:

  • User-friendly Interface: Designed with users in mind, ensuring that even those with limited technical expertise can navigate and use the tools effectively.
  • Data Validation: Automated checks to ensure that the data entered is consistent and accurate.
  • Integration Capabilities: The ability to integrate with national databases and systems, allowing for seamless data transfer.
  • Collaborative Features: Options for multiple users to collaborate on a single report, reflecting a whole-of-government approach.
  • Analytics and Insights: Automated analytics to provide countries with insights into their climate actions, helping them identify areas of improvement.

Looking Ahead

The introduction of these new reporting tools is a testament to Parties’ commitment to enhancing transparency in global climate action. As countries gear up for the Regional Climate Weeks, there is palpable excitement about the potential of these tools to revolutionize climate reporting.

It's not just about meeting obligations; it's about doing so efficiently, transparently, and collaboratively. These new tools are paving the way for a brighter, more accountable future in the fight against climate change.


Note: For more details on the new UNFCCC reporting tools and the training sessions during the Regional Climate Weeks, stay tuned to the official UNFCCC website and announcements.



Area: Climate transparency, Gender
Sector: Cross-cutting
Agency: UNFCCC