Meet us at COP 28!
Meet us at COP 28!

Join us for exciting events, interesting discussions and valuable insights!

The Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency - Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) is represented at this year's UN COP 28 Climate Conference in Dubai. The conference is being held from November 30th to December 12th 2023, and will bring together representatives from around the world including heads of State, government officials, international industry leaders, private sector representatives, academics, experts, and youth representatives.

CBIT-GSP’s Global Project Coordinator, Fatima-Zahra Taibi, is participating in various side events as a panellist, sharing insights and lessons learned from the CBIT-GSP and moderating other events. The CBIT-GSP will be represented at five different events during the conference.

See the full list of events here and more detailed descriptions below:

Come and engage with us!

On December 4th, the Azerbaijan Pavilion will host the session ‘Lessons Learned from Reporting on Article 13 within the Mutual Learning Programme in Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.’ This session, led by Azerbaijan and CBIT-GSP/UNEP-CCC, will delve into the practical experiences and learnings gleaned from implementing Article 13, highlighting the importance of mutual (collaborative?) learning across varied regions. Later, discussions will be held on ‘Progress in Establishing the National Transparency Systems in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Challenges and Opportunities’ at the Central Asian PavilionThis event will underscore the strides made and the hurdles encountered in establishing national transparency systems and transitioning towards the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) in these critical regions.

On December 5th at the Azerbaijan Pavilion, stakeholders will discuss ‘Country Efforts in Transitioning towards ETF: Learning from the National and Global CBIT Projects in Europe and the Caucasus.’ In collaboration with Azerbaijan CBIT-GSP/UNEP-CCC and IGES, this session aims to share strategies and insights from various national and global projects under the CBIT, marking a significant step towards the ETF.

A highlight of the CBIT-GSP’s engagement at COP28 is the #Together4Transparency Initiative, which is set to take place on December 6th, featuring a roundtable discussion, titled ‘Getting Ready for the ETF: Support Opportunities. At MR 36’ CBIT-GSP/UNEP-CCC will play a key role as one of the table leads in this eventorganized by UNFCCC.  The objective is to empower developing countries through discussions on support mechanisms for ETF engagement.

Concluding the week, the Capacity-building Hub will host the ‘South-South Capacities Day’ at the 5th Capacity-building Hub on December 8th. During this session, titled ‘Fostering South-South Learning: The Collaboration between Cuba, Chile, and Panama under the CBIT-Global Support Programme’, GEF and CBIT-GSP/UNEP-CCC will present insights featuring speakers from Cuba, Panama and Chile. This event will highlight the valuable experiences and results arising from South-South collaboration facilitated by CBIT-GSP.

The CBIT-GSP's participation at COP28 underscores its commitment to enhancing transparency in climate action globally. Through these diverse events, the programme aims to share knowledge, insights, and strengthen international cooperation and partnerships. The CBIT-GSP is committed to empowering developing countries to meet the new transparency requirements under the Paris Agreement. We look forward to meeting you at the UN COP 28 climate conference in Dubai!

Please see attached an overview flyer of CBIT-GSP activities and achievements in 2023.

Area: Climate transparency
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English