Improving women’s access to forest monitoring
Improving women’s access to forest monitoring
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Capacity development activities in forest monitoring, including face-to-face workshops and online courses, can serve as important tools for increasing awareness on gender. However, women and other underrepresented groups, including youth, Indigenous peoples and people with disabilities, face significant barriers to accessing opportunities to participate in training and other capacity development initiatives, particularly in the forest sector. These barriers commonly include household burdens such as childcare, as well as social norms that undervalue the role of women in forestry.

While there are a number of strategies for improving women’s participation in these initiatives, it can be useful to canvas ideas directly from the participants of training to further improve gender aspects. Such was the case for the recent System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL) online facilitated course conducted from March to May 2023.

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Area: Climate mitigation, Climate transparency, Data collection and management
Sector: AFOLU
Language: English
Agency: FAO