With the majority of countries having submitted their first Biennial Transparency Reports, many technical experts and dedicated teams who worked on these novel reports have begun to look enthusiastically toward the next crucial step in the Enhanced Transparency Framework – the Technical Expert Review (TER).
To help national experts understand the TER process and engage more actively with the UNFCCC, the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) is engaging its transparency networks in preparatory webinars explaining the TER process.
The first of these webinars took place in the Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean network on February 6, 2025, with over 150 people in attendance from across the region. The large attendance reflected the positive sentiments of participants who had previously participated in CBIT-GSP support, where 86.5% or respondents reported that CBIT-GSP support had been significant or very significant in strengthening their national transparency capacities.
The webinar featured experts presenting on the details of the TER process, the training opportunities for becoming certified as a technical expert reviewer, and country experiences of participating in the TER process with experts from Panama and Andorra, two of the first countries that submitted a BTR.
The TER is a mandatory step all countries must undertake after the submission of core climate action communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The TER of countries’ BTRs will result in a formal review designed to provide constructive feedback on where they can better demonstrate action, identify areas of improvement and capacity-building needs, and attract targeted support, among other areas.
Stefania D’ Annibali, a UNFCCC specialist in climate change transparency and reporting, spoke during the webinar to provide a detailed overview not only of the TER process, but also the need for more thematic experts to become certified as technical expert reviewers. Review teams aim to be as balanced as possible with equal numbers of men and women, as well as equal representation between reviewers from developed and developing countries. This also ensures country experts and reviewers can minimise language barriers.
A TER can take place in a range of in-country and remote formats. Developing countries in particular are encouraged to hold in-country reviews as they provide the most comprehensive opportunity for tailored support and capacity building for future reporting rounds. In-country reviews last five days, during which technical reviewers go into detail with local staff on how they can best improve their BTR submissions.
Small island developing states (SIDS) and least developed countries (LDCs) have the flexibility to participate in reviews as a group in a centralised review. Centralised reviews may be required when a country does not have the capacity or resources to host an in-country review.
One of the main messages for countries undergoing review which was provided by the webinar was that the TER is not meant to harshly judge or criticise countries’ reports, but rather to provide ways to collaboratively improve them in future rounds. The TER is formally implemented as a facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive manner that avoids placing undue burden on Parties.
The TER reviews countries’ greenhouse gas inventories, NDC tracking progress, the support provided to other developing countries, if applicable. Countries can also request the TER team to also voluntarily review information on climate change impacts and adaptation. The TER does not cover other areas such as the adequacy of national mitigation measures, the adequacy of NDC indicators, the adequacy of support provided, nor the factors related to the country’s use of flexibility.
Ms D’ Annibali also outlined the roles of the four different stakeholders in the review process – the country, the technical experts, the TER secretariat, and the lead reviewers. The primary team of expert reviewers check for consistency with the modalities, procedures and guidelines of the ETF, identify areas for improvement and capacity building needs, and develop the technical expert review report.
The Secretariat facilitates the process, compiles and edits the initial TER, and coordinates the meetings of the lead reviewers. Lead reviewers supervise the work of the expert team, and ensure the quality and objectivity of the examination and ensure consistency between reports.
The webinar also featured representatives from the national teams of Panama and Andorra, which were among the first nations to submit their BTRs, as well as two expert reviewers. The four-person panel reported on their experience of working with BTR reviewers.
“...the TER team go into great detail, especially the inventory, which is very carefully looked at and especially the format of what we have reported, how it is explained and how it is well understood... and of course, those who came here to Andorra are super experienced and it was very noticeable that they immediately understood the capacity building needs that we had, that is, they immediately understood the problem that we have as a country.
And this is not a punitive process, they are not going to tell you off or anything, they are going to help you detect the deficiencies that you have and the shortcomings that you may have, which are normal for you to have, like all countries, and they help you and they make recommendations,” said Anna Bonneta from Andorra’s reporting team.
Juan Martin, another member of the TER team who has been involved in technical reviews for more than 10 years, said that each review includes a long preparation phase to prepare reviewers for the national context they are assessing.
“Reading in depth and studying the report, the national report, following the formats and tools... one of the most relevant aspects for us, is to understand the national circumstances, what is happening in the country and the why of things in order to be able to identify those capabilities in the best possible way and to provide help, ultimately, I believe that is also one of the objectives of the process,” said Martin.
“As a reviewer you develop a super network of people that you know are very committed, very professional, very experienced and that you can take, let's say, their support when you need it... when you go as a reviewer to a country, the first thing is that it is based on learning, , it is learning a lot about how things can always be improved and that you can also take it to your own country when needed,” said Alexander Valencia, a member of the TER team.
After the TER countries are invited to participated in a further step known as the Facilitative Multilateral Consideration of Progress (FMCP), which is an opportunity for Parties to share their experiences and lessons learned. The first FMCP will take place during the Subsidiary Body sessions in Bonn in June this year.
The next webinar on the TER process will take place for the Eurasia and Central Asia and the Caucasus Networks on 18 March 2025.