Updated: Good Practice Study on GHG-Inventories for the Waste Sector
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Photo crediting: GIZ / Britta Radike
Guidelines and Tools
Updated: Good Practice Study on GHG-Inventories for the Waste Sector
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The purpose of this study is to support the preparation of GHG inventories in the waste sector through good practice examples which can be adopted in other countries. This report complements the existing reporting guidance under the UNFCCC with real life examples in the waste sector from different countries.

It is directed at persons involved in the compilation of GHG inventories in the waste sector, especially in developing countries. In addition, the study analyses the interlinkages between GHG emission inventories and mitigation actions in the sector and provides an overview of different models and data sources for waste inventories. All analysed countries in this report are applying guidelines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and need to collect and determine the same data and parameters. While national circumstances differ, the problems can be similar, and an approach chosen in one country may be adapted and may help to overcome obstacles in another.

Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Area: GHG inventory
Sector: Waste
Agency: PATPA