Stock Taking Tool - Analytical Tool to Support Identification of Prioritised Actions for National MRV Systems and Mitigation
Guidelines and Tools
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Guidelines and Tools
Stock Taking Tool - Analytical Tool to Support Identification of Prioritised Actions for National MRV Systems and Mitigation
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The Stock Taking Tool has been developed based on ‘lessons learned’ from the Information Matters (IM) project. It is an analytical tool countries can apply for the identification of prioritised action for national MRV systems including mitigation pledge(s) in the context of nationally determined contributions (NDCs), nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and low emission development strategies (LEDS). It aims at supporting countries in the assessment of the current mitigation architecture in order to create transparency and an information basis for planning and implementing mitigation actions. The first version of the tool, released in 2014, was updated based on  valuable inputs from IM partner countries of the first phase namely Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ghana and the Philippines. It has also been used for the Good Practice Analysis, which was conducted in 21 countries. The tool addresses two demands: First, the tool can support the operative planning of mitigation projects, actions and policies prioritising the next steps based on the user’s input. Second, the tool can be used as an information data base for the countries’ monitoring their policies regarding MRV, NDCs, LEDS and NAMAs and for the implementation process of different aspects regarding these topics.
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Area: Climate mitigation, NDC tracking
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English