Sectoral Activity Data for GHG Emissions (SAGE) tool
Guidelines and Tools
Photo crediting: GHGMI
Guidelines and Tools
Sectoral Activity Data for GHG Emissions (SAGE) tool
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The Sectoral Activity Data for GHG Emissions (SAGE) tool provides a first-of-its-kind, user-friendly interface for gathering and processing activity data in conjunction with indispensable documentation for greenhouse gas emissions inventories, projections, and mitigation impact analyses.

Existing GHG calculation tools use activity data as inputs that are, all too often, assumed to be readily available and in a standard and precise format. But, in practice, data providers rarely produce primary data in the exact formats needed for GHG estimation. Therefore, GHG emissions inventory compilers and mitigation analysts must construct ad-hoc methods and tools (e.g., spreadsheets) to “process” messy and raw statistical data into the complete and clean “useable” data required by existing emissions calculation, projections, and reporting tools.

Read more about the tool on GHGMI's website here.

Author: GHGMI
Publisher: GHGMI
Agency: GHGMI