Main findings of the first round of ICA for BURs
Reports and briefs
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Reports and briefs
Main findings of the first round of ICA for BURs
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This document provides an analysis of the first Biennial Update Reports (BURs) from Non-Annex I Parties that have undergone at least the first step of the International Consultation and Analysis (ICA) process. By reviewing the Technical Analysis summary reports of 30 Parties it examines the completeness and the ambition of reporting in BURs, highlighting common challenges and the extent to which the reporting requirements have been adhered. Through an examination of cases where the minimum requirements have been surpassed the paper provides an overview of good practices and demonstrates ambition in reporting. Finally, it stresses main capacity building needs and lessons learned from current reporting and the ICA process that may provide useful inputs for the development of the future Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English