Guidance for setting up and enhancing national technical teams for GHG inventories in developing countries
Guidelines and Tools
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Guidelines and Tools
Guidance for setting up and enhancing national technical teams for GHG inventories in developing countries
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This guidance aims to assist non-annex I Parties in meeting a significant part of their reporting requirements to the UNFCCC, i.e. the national GHG inventory, by setting up or enhancing national technical teams for the preparation and reporting of GHG inventories on a regular basis within a national system of GHG inventories. It draws upon experiences from the Information Matters project and lessons learned from developing and developed countries reporting to the UNFCCC over the last decade. Moreover, the guidance assists in highlighting potential capacity needs in establishing and setting up national teams of GHG inventory experts and how these might be addressed. The document presents examples, many of which are from annex I Parties, which have longer experience in this process. Lessons learned from the annex I countries are helpful for non-annex I Parties, keeping in mind that reporting requirements for annex I countries are more rigorous (e.g. annual reporting of inventory). The guidance presented in this paper can be visualised as a step-by-step process that sequentially addresses key actions for setting up or enhancing a national technical team for GHG inventories. The steps included in this process should facilitate the establishment of an operational team, able to comply with current and future UNFCCC requirements.   change here
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Area: GHG inventory
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English