Technical Analysis of First Biennial Transparency Report of Malaysia
Technical Analysis of First Biennial Transparency Report of Malaysia

CBIT GSP has received a request to conduct a review of the first Biennial Transparency Report prior to its submission to the UNFCCC. By pursuing QA-QC checks, Malaysia strives to improve the overall quality of their GHG inventories, enhance transparency and credibility, meet international reporting obligations, and support effective climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Through the implementation of QA-QC checks, Malaysia aims to elevate the overall quality of its GHG inventories, augment transparency and credibility, fulfill international reporting requirements, and bolster successful climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives. This method enhances confidence in the quality and authenticity of the reported data while also enabling the country's engagement in international climate change talks and partnerships.

Agency: CBIT-GSP
Area of Support: BTR Readiness
Country: Malaysia
Transparency Network: Asia
Type of Support: Peer Review
Region: Asia