Technical Analysis and Review of GHG inventory Chapter of Third National Communication of India
Technical Analysis and Review of GHG inventory Chapter of Third National Communication of India


India, as a signatory to the UNFCCC, regularly submits national reports to the UNFCCC Secretariat to provide information on its efforts and progress in addressing climate change. These reports play a crucial role in assessing the country's mitigation and adaptation measures and contribute to the global efforts to combat climate change. India's national report is typically prepared by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change who responsible for climate change-related matters. The report compilation involves extensive coordination and collaboration among different government departments, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The aim is to ensure comprehensive and accurate data collection, analysis, and reporting.

The third national communication from India, which will be submitted in 2023, is currently being prepared. India has already submitted two NCs and three BURs to the UNFCCC. CBIT GSP has been requested to review the third NCs' GHG inventory chapter before it is submitted to the UNFCCC. Quality checks play a crucial role in the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories for a country. They provide several advantages that ensure the accuracy, reliability, and credibility of the inventory data.  


The primary objective of quality checks is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the GHG inventory data. By conducting quality review, India strive to improve the overall quality of their GHG inventories, enhance transparency and credibility, meet international reporting obligations, and support effective climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. 

Area of Support: GHG Inventory
Transparency Network: Asia
Type of Support: Peer Review