Support activity for the development of a roadmap for the first Biennial Transparency Report - South Sudan
Support activity for the development of a roadmap for the first Biennial Transparency Report - South Sudan

With the implementation of the reinforced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement, countries are called upon to submit their first biennial transparency report (BTR), in accordance with the modalities, procedures and guidelines1 (MPD), no later than 31 December 2024. BTRs, which will replace Biennial Update Reports (BURs), will provide information on actions taken and progress made on mitigation, adaptation, and support provided, required, or received. This information gathered through the BTRs will feed into the Global Stocktake, which will assess collective progress toward long-term climate goals.

As a way of providing support to developing countries, PATPA and FAO developed the BTR Roadmap and Guidance Tool 2 (BTR Tool). This tool, based on MS Excel, uses a series of questions to obtain answers related to national technical capacities, institutional arrangements, and the information necessary for the development of BTRs. Based on these responses, the tool generates a simple roadmap that helps countries manage the process of planning, preparing, and submitting their BTRs.

South Sudan has not received funding for BTR, but it is in discussion with UNEP to apply for a top-up to support the implementation of the BTR and the Second National Communications. South Sudan is yet to complete the project implementation plan to develop national communications and the first BTR. South Sudan Plans to follow modalities, procedures, and guidelines MPG decision (para 3) provides that Parties shall submit their first biennial transparency report and national inventory report, if submitted as a stand-alone report,  at the latest by 31 December 2024. 

While the roadmap is a valuable resource for countries, there are opportunities to improve the applicability of the BTR tool with the aim of generating an improved roadmap that accurately reflects national circumstances and capacities. 

For this purpose, the Global Support Program (CBIT-GSP) conducted this activity for the development of a roadmap for the first BTR. This activity will help South Sudan to encourage the involvement and support of their task forces and relevant stakeholders, support the efficient collection of information for the BTR tool, and generate an improved roadmap that ensures its applicability and easy implementation. Having an improved roadmap will help South Sudan attract donor funds for both the BTR and elements of a national transparency system and will support the development of the first BTR in line with the reporting requirements of the framework reinforced transparency.

Objective of the activity

The objective of the activity was to technically support South Sudan in the generation of a country-specific roadmap for the planning, elaboration and presentation of the first BTR through the effective application of the PATPA/FAO BTR tool.

Agency: CBIT-GSP
Area of Support: BTR Readiness
Country: South Sudan
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa
Type of Support: Trainings
Region: Africa