Sharing Best Practices on the Establishment of Online MRV Systems from Belize and Uruguay with Armenia
Sharing Best Practices on the Establishment of Online MRV Systems from Belize and Uruguay with Armenia

About the in-country support activity:


Comprehensive MRV systems, which are designed to support the national governments to successfully monitor and evaluate the climate change policy play a crucial role in transparency and reporting at the national and international level. The establishment of online and web-based tools of MRV systems requires a comprehensive approach, bringing together various stakeholders at the domestic level, and combining technical and operational parts of the national transparency system. As of today, some countries in Eurasia, South America and Africa have progressed in establishing such online MRV systems, which are designed to be aligned with the integrated domestic monitoring processes for climate change, to assure transparency of data and information, as well as to track progress towards the NDC and to improve the institutional arrangements for transparency and climate reporting more generally. 

The Republic of Armenia intends to design a web-based transparency system, enabling national experts to collect, analyze, and report data and information under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). Given that both the development and the implementation processes of online MRV systems are complex and require substantial technical skills and capacities, it is of critical importance for Armenia to learn lessons and best practices from countries with established online MRV systems. These insights will serve as valuable input for designing and operationalizing Armenia’s domestic online MRV system. 

In response to the request of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia to the CBIT-GSP project on sharing the best practices of online MRV systems, a virtual webinar will be conducted to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and lessons learned among the experts of Armenia, Uruguay and Belize.


The main objective of the virtual webinar is to improve the understanding and knowledge of the experts of Armenia and other countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus about existing online MRV systems by sharing best practices and lessons from countries, which have already set-up similar transparency systems. 

Target Audience and Language

The virtual webinar is targeted towards representatives of the Ministry of Environment (Climate Policy Department, Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center and other Ministry departments) and UNDP Climate Change projects. The meeting will be held in English.

Representatives of other countries from the CBIT-GSP Regional Networks, who are interested in the topic, can also attend the virtual webinar. 

Duration and Registration

It is expected that the meeting will last up to 1,5 hours with sufficient timing dedicated to discussion and Q&A sessions. 

Agency: CBIT-GSP
Area of Support: Institutional Arrangements
Country: Armenia
Transparency Network: Central Asia and Caucasus
Type of Support: Other
Region: Asia