Learning session: Capacity building of Serbia National Team for development of BTR1 in the context of the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements
Learning session: Capacity building of Serbia National Team for development of BTR1 in the context of the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements



With the recent launch of the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement, all countries are now required to submit their first biennial transparency report (BTR) by December 2024. The primary purpose of the ETF is to foster trust and clarity among participating Parties of the Paris Agreement while monitoring progress toward achieving the Agreement’s objectives. The modalities, procedures, and guidelines (MPGs) for the ETF, outlined in decision 18/CMA.1, apply universally to all Parties, albeit with consideration for their varying capacities.


BTRs, which will replace Biennial Update Reports (BURs), will provide information on actions taken and progress made on mitigation, adaptation, and support provided, required, or received. This information gathered through the BTRs will feed into the Global Stocktake, which will assess collective progress toward long-term climate goals. As countries transition to BTRs and adhere to the MPGs, they will need to enhance the quantity, detail, and stringency of the information they provide—particularly for developing countries. 


To facilitate this process, the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT-GSP) aims to support countries by building capacities of national experts focusing on key ETF provisions and reporting requirements within BTRs.  This will be achieved through multiple support modalities, including the establishment and work of 10 Regional Networks across the globe to foster south-south collaboration, knowledge-sharing and learning among countries.   


Country status: As of now, Government of the Republic of Serbia has submitted two National Communications (NC1 in 2010 and NC2 in 2017) and two Biennial Update Report on Climate Change (BUR1 in 2016, BUR2 in 2023). Serbia’s NC3 has been adopted by the Government and pending submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Project for the development of Serbia’s BTR1 and NC4/BTR2, was approved by GEF, started in November 2023, and will build upon the previous NCs/BURs work as well as on the MRV system and institutional structures established within the CBIT project. It will further facilitate its operationalization, collection of data and information of relevance to climate change mitigation and adaptation, tracking of NDC implementation, and support needed and received, while providing a strong gender focus in all relevant report sections. However, since BTR is the first document of its kind, Ministry of Environmental Protection requires support to ensure proper understanding of obligations stemming from Article 13 of the Paris Agreement as well as relevant MPGs.


The primary goal of this support is to enhance the capacity of national institutions to carry out transparency reporting according to ETF provisions and align with national priorities, improve the institutional arrangements and capacities to fulfil the requirements outlined in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. Specifically, the event aims to familiarize participants with the new provisions of the ETF under the Paris Agreement, GHG inventory reporting, understanding of reporting provisions on the tracking of progress of NDCs and support needed and received, and available flexibility provisions. The capacity building will include the peer-to-peer learning with Montenegro that is in advanced stage of preparation of BTR and can provide first hand experience on the process of development BTR from its very initial stage.   This capacity building will help to enhance the capacity of Serbia’s National Team to prepare its first BTR and meet the deadline of submitting, at the latest by 31 December 2024.


This activity is intended for national experts for transparency reporting of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia who are involved in the preparation of national reports under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, including NCs, NDCs, BURs and specifically, team that is preparing the 1st BTR.

Area of Support: BTR Readiness
Country: Serbia
Transparency Network: Eurasia
Type of Support: Trainings
Region: Europe