Hands on training to fast track Preparing Eswatini’s First Biennial Transparency Report
Hands on training to fast track Preparing Eswatini’s First Biennial Transparency Report

Eswatini: Financial resilience in Small States | PreventionWeb


The Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement builds on and 
enhances the existing measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements under 
the Convention. With the adoption of the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for 
the ETF and the corresponding common reporting tables, common tabular formats and 
outlines, developing country Parties are already planning to, and some are already taking first 
steps to transition to the ETF. These MPGs provide specific details on the information that 
countries need to report, the format in which this information should be presented, and the 
process for reviewing the reported information. The agreements were reached by countries 
at COP24 in 2018 and were finalised at COP26 in 2021.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories offer valuable insights into the emissions and removals of 
GHG from various sources and sinks in the different sectors of the economy. Once this 
information is gathered, it becomes possible to identify suitable mitigation actions or policies, 
develop baseline scenarios, and formulate projections. Furthermore, countries that are 
parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and also 
the Paris Agreement must regularly submit their GHG inventories. From 2024 onwards, 
countries have to submit the Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) and one of the mandatory 
elements is the national inventory report, including the national GHG inventory document 
(NID) and common reporting tables.


Objectives and purpose of the training
The primary objectives of this training workshop are to provide participants with a 
comprehensive understanding of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris 
Agreement. The objective of this five-day workshop is to enhance the knowledge and skills of 
Eswatini stakeholders involved in preparing the first Biennial Transparency Report. The 
workshop will focus on key aspects of the ETF, including:

  • Familiarize participants with the Biennial Transparency Report requirements under 
    the Paris Agreement and its Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
  • Guide participants in developing a comprehensive national inventory document and 
    offer practical training on how to effectively employ the common reporting table for 
  •  Exchange experiences and lessons learned, corresponding to the application of IPCC 
    and UNFCCC tools and systems for reporting inventory data with ETF provisions.
  • Completing Common Reporting Tables (CRTs) and Common Tabular Format (CTF)
  • Linking NDC tracking with GHG inventory

Expected Outcomes
By the end of the workshop, participants are expected to:
▪ Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the ETF and its requirements
▪ Show proficiency in preparing and using GHG inventories
▪ Confidently use IPCC inventory software and complete CRTs and CTF
▪ Understand the linkage between NDC tracking and GHG inventory
▪ Be prepared to contribute significantly to Eswatini's first BTR preparation

The workshop is designed for stakeholders directly involved in preparing Eswatini's first BTR, 
who are key ministries’ climate change focal points and Inventory/ Mitigation:
▪ Government officials from relevant ministries and agencies
▪ Climate change experts and researchers
▪ Representatives from academic institutions
▪ NGO representatives working on climate change issues
▪ Technical staff responsible for data collection and analysis
It is considered to include two different consecutive stages. Firstly, an introductory webinar 
that mainly sets the approach and provides instructions to the participants for face-to-face 
training. A second phase consists of a face-to-face event where, through practical exercises 
and presentations, it will be possible to acquire knowledge and insights for a successful 
reporting of the national inventory under the ETF. 

Area of Support: BTR Readiness
Country: Eswatini
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa
Type of Support: Trainings
Region: Africa