Enhancing National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management System for Nepal
Enhancing National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management System for Nepal


A national inventory management system is a critical tool for countries to prepare national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory which is a key element of the national inventory report (NIR), national communication (NC) and biennial transparency report (BTR). As required by decision 18/CMA.1, each Party shall report estimates of emissions and removals for all categories, gases and carbon pools considered in the GHG inventory throughout the reported period on a gas-by-gas basis in units of mass at the most disaggregated level, in accordance with the 2006 IPCC guidelines using the common reporting tables. A robust national inventory management system provides a centralized platform for data collection, processing, and analysis, which can improve data quality, save time and costs, increase transparency, ensure compliance with international standards and guidelines, and inform policy development. It can help countries monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their climate policies and identify areas where further action is needed. 

By requesting CBIT GSP, Nepal will establish a robust national GHG inventory management system, enabling the preparation of accurate and transparent biennial transparency reports. This system will support evidence-based decision-making, effective climate change mitigation, and adaptation strategies, and contribute to Nepal's international commitments in combating climate change.


The goal is to establish a comprehensive system that will enable accurate measurement, reporting, and verification of GHG emissions and removals. This system will lay the foundation for preparing Nepal's first biennial transparency report, enhancing transparency, and supporting effective climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Area of Support: Institutional Arrangements
Transparency Network: Asia
Type of Support: Trainings