Capacity building on NDC tracking for Uzbekistan
Capacity building on NDC tracking for Uzbekistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan through its Uzhydromet requested the CBIT-GSP project support to build technical capacity of the experts of Uzhydromet in determining the NDC indicators for tracking purposes by providing training and sharing best practices from other countries.

The support was provided in two ways:

  1. Participation of the Uzhydromet Team in the regional NDC tracking training, which was organized by the CBIT-GSP for Eurasian, Central Asian and the Caucasian regional network, and which included four main stages:
    1. Introductory webinar (July 6th, 2023), where the topic of NDC tracking was generally introduced and the task for the homework was presented;
    2. Homework to compile the data and fill in the relevant tables for further practical work during the in-room training (the homework by Uzhydromet team was submitted);
    3. Three-days in-room training on NDC tracking for mitigation actions (July 25-27, 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan) with practical exercises for the participants on the way and approaches and tools to fill in the required CTF tables, on how to determine SMART indicators for the countries’ NDCs. 
    4. Follow-up stage, where Uzhydromet team can ask the questions/require clarity on their journey towards determining the NDC indicators.


  2. Participation in a CBIT-GSP/IGES Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) with Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Japan as key learning partners. The main idea is to support these countries to adequately report on Article 13, particularly, focusing on filling-in the CTF#5 with mitigation actions and tracking progress under the Paris Agreement. The MLP consists of the following:
    1. Kick-off meeting to present status quo of the NDC tracking system of the participating countries and introduction of the tasks
    2. Submission of the CTF5 and analytical assessment paper on mitigation actions undertaken to fulfill the reporting requirements under the PA by 25th of August. 
    3. Peer-review of the submitted files among the participating countries, making comments and questions. For example, Azerbaijan reviews Uzbekistan’s work and vice versa (end of September). 
    4. Main online meeting (early October, date TBD ) to present the homework cases and exchange on lessons learned and main findings. 

Both capacity building exercises (1 and 2 above) significantly improved the capacity of the Uzhydromet experts on determining the NDC indicators for the country’s NDC. As of now the team is capable to track the progress against their NDC targets by using the tools and methodologies, introduced by the colleagues of CBIT-GSP (UNEP-CCC) and FAO. 

Area of Support: NDC Tracking
Country: Uzbekistan
Transparency Network: Central Asia and Caucasus
Type of Support: Trainings
Region: Asia