Welcome from the first week of September, which was a super busy week for African climate experts representing at the Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya.
Among other sessions, African countries come together to dialogue on the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), which marks the strong will to work together and push forward to achieve international obligations and national targets.
The ETF regime builds on the current MRV arrangements under the Convention, and the existing institutional arrangements in countries can serve as a foundation upon which to build for ETF implementation. The first BTR is due at the latest 31 December 2024, which will have replaced biennial update reports. In addition, decision (4) provides that the least developed country Parties and small island developing States may submit the information referred to in Article 13, paragraphs 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Pris Agreement at their discretion.
More recently, developing countries have been gaining experience by using existing or establishing new domestic MRV systems. The deliberations highlighted the main changes in ETF reporting requirements, especially considering transitioning from the current MRV arrangements to the ETF. These include:
- The establishment of a legally binding obligation of biennial reporting starting from 2024, with increased depth and scope of the information included in the reports, following the format currently under development by the UNFCCC Secretariat.
- The obligation to submit national communications remains within a harmonized framework.
- It was noted that countries can build on the existing data frameworks and institutional arrangements while working in parallel to ensure the political buy-in, stakeholder engagement, and resource mobilization necessary to implement Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.
In the topic for discussion, you’re invited to discuss and exchange on the subject by identifying examples of positive arrangements and ways of improvement towards transitioning from the current MRV arrangements to the ETF.
Experts who attended the Africa Climate Week, please feel free to share key takeaways from the different organized transparency events that you attended. With Thanks.