Enhanced Transparency Framework: Transition and Challenges for the Eurasian Countries
Sladjana Bundalo

Considering that our webinar on the transition to ETF is approaching, we invite you to use the Forum to ask questions you have or share your observations and challenges you encounter on this path. The transition to ETF is complex and demanding, and with each step new questions arise...


  • Have you already started preparing of your BTR and will you be able to finish it by the planned deadline in     December 2024?


  • NIR: do you have an established national inventory management system, have you performed key categories selection, and gases and removals, do you have data issues, CRTs, how have you determined emission factors, do you have any IT solutions?


  • Progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs: have you defined NDC indicators, CTFs, data availability, do you have data management systems (digital NDC tracking tool), is it functional?


  • Financial, technology transfer and capacity-building support needed and received: what about data availability, do you have any challenges?


  • What are the biggest challenges for you in applying MPG, what flexibilities have you used (or plan to use) and what are your areas for improvement?


  • Do you have any advice for those just starting...what mistakes to avoid?


Feel free to ask questions and share your thoughts within this forum, and we will offer answers and suggestions tomorrow as part of the presentations and exchange of experiences during tomorrow's webinar.


With best regards, 

Sladjana Bundalo

Regional Network Coordinator for Eurasia

The Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency -Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP)

