COP28 Events in the CBIT-GSP Networks
Susanne Konrad


Nailia Timerkhanova
There was another Side-event "Country Efforts in Transitioning towards ETF: Learning from the National and Global CBIT projects in Eurasia and the Caucasus", which was held on December 5th, 2023 in Azerbaijan Pavilion. Key take-away messages are here:
Nailia Timerkhanova
Dear all, here we go with the key take-away messages, we have prepared for Side-Event "Lessons Learned from Reporting on Article 13 in Eurasia, Central Asia and the Caucasus", which was held on December 4, 2023:
Nailia Timerkhanova
COP 28 Side Events in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus Lessons Learned from Reporting on Article 13 in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus Azerbaijan Pavilion | Monday, December 4th, 2023 | 13:00 – 14:30 Background: At present, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Moldova and Japan are currently participating in the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) for Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), supported by the Ministry of Environment of Japan and implemented by IGES and Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, and the CBIT-GSP. The programme aims to support the developing countries in their understanding how to apply the reporting guidance under Article 61 and 132, explore improvement areas of the climate reporting under the UNFCCC as well as to strengthen a network of institutions and individuals working on Article 6 and 13. Objective: The main objective of this side-event is to share lessons learned on the MLP’s transparency and reporting under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement by participating countries and explore the opportunities for further collaboration. Agenda: Welcoming remarks on behalf of the Hosting Government and Organizations Lessons learned from MLP in countries of Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus - Georgia, Moldova, Japan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan Needs and areas of collaboration in the next round of MLP - On behalf of CBIT-GSP and IGES Discussion and Q&A Session The Side-Event will be in English.
Alejandro Regatero Labadia
Thanks for the information Nailia, sounds interesting! I was wondering if a link for online viewing and/or participation will be provided?
Nailia Timerkhanova
Hello, Alejandro. Unfortunately, the side-event will be in-room with no possibility to connect online. However, all materials and main take-away messages from the event will be shared at the platform :)
COP 28 Side Events in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus Lessons Learned from Reporting on Article 13 in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus Azerbaijan Pavilion | Monday, December 4th, 2023 | 13:00 – 14:30 Background: At present, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Moldova and Japan are currently participating in the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) for Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), supported by the Ministry of Environment of Japan and implemented by IGES and Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, and the CBIT-GSP. The programme aims to support the developing countries in their understanding how to apply the reporting guidance under Article 61 and 132, explore improvement areas of the climate reporting under the UNFCCC as well as to strengthen a network of institutions and individuals working on Article 6 and 13. Objective: The main objective of this side-event is to share lessons learned on the MLP’s transparency and reporting under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement by participating countries and explore the opportunities for further collaboration. Agenda: Welcoming remarks on behalf of the Hosting Government and Organizations Lessons learned from MLP in countries of Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus - Georgia, Moldova, Japan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan Needs and areas of collaboration in the next round of MLP - On behalf of CBIT-GSP and IGES Discussion and Q&A Session The Side-Event will be in English.
Thanks for the information Nailia, sounds interesting! I was wondering if a link for online viewing and/or participation will be provided?
Hello, Alejandro. Unfortunately, the side-event will be in-room with no possibility to connect online. However, all materials and main take-away messages from the event will be shared at the platform :)
Dear all, here we go with the key take-away messages, we have prepared for Side-Event "Lessons Learned from Reporting on Article 13 in Eurasia, Central Asia and the Caucasus", which was held on December 4, 2023:
There was another Side-event "Country Efforts in Transitioning towards ETF: Learning from the National and Global CBIT projects in Eurasia and the Caucasus", which was held on December 5th, 2023 in Azerbaijan Pavilion. Key take-away messages are here: