Experience in the design, evaluation and execution of development projects, implementation and environmental sustainability in sectors with mitigation potential, with more than 15 years of experience in Climate Change, Elaboration of INDC/NDC, Greenhouse gases inventories, National Communications, Biennial Update Reports, technology need assessments, NAMAs, CDM program. The Consultant has over 13 years' experience in the provision of emissions inventory compilation, projections and monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) to national and international governments. Her areas of specialization are Energy, IPPU, AFOLU and Waste sectors. He has participated as co-lead in the Technical analysis of Biennial Update Reports in different sector. Through his work the consultant has gained a detailed understanding of the planning, data collection, calculation methodologies, QA/QC and the reporting of emission inventories applicable to Annex I and Non-Annex I Parties.