Webinar: Tracking NDC mitigation commitments under the ETF: Information to track progress in implementing and achieving the NDC using the Common tabular Formats (CTFs)
Webinar: Tracking NDC mitigation commitments under the ETF: Information to track progress in implementing and achieving the NDC using the Common tabular Formats (CTFs)
to Europe/Copenhagen
Location: Online

Recording of the webinar you can find HERE 



Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) lie at the core of the Paris Agreement and play a key role in achieving its long-term objectives. The NDCs represent the collective efforts of each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. As per the Paris Agreement, every participating Party is required to develop, communicate, and consistently update their NDCs, outlining their intended contributions aimed at achieving specific climate goals.

Under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement, tracking NDCs is mandatory. This involves providing transparent and comprehensive information on the implementation and progress of NDCs. It includes both quantitative data (such as current or projected emissions) and qualitative insights to better understand the NDC targets and their effects.

Tracking progress of NDCs informs collective, global progress under the Paris Agreement, but also at national level, tracking progress of NDC implementation can help governments better understand whether and to what extent efforts are needed to achieve the NDC.

The objective of the CBIT-GSP is to provide streamlined support and capacity-building at the national, regional, and global level to assist developing countries in responding to the reporting provisions under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework, and ultimately increase ambition for climate action. The CBIT-GSP is planning to achieve this through multiple support modalities, including the establishment and work of 10 Regional Networks across the globe to foster south-south collaboration, knowledge-sharing and learning among countries. 


The tracking and reporting NDC pose a challenge to the developing countries since it requires enhanced, more comprehensive reporting on mitigation actions and results including filling the common tabular forms (CTFs).   The countries, members of regional network for Eurasia are invited to participate in a joint training on NDC tracking, which was assessed as one of the priorities on capacity building for transparency by the network members.  




The primary objective of this workshop is to assist country teams responsible for reporting Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement to enhance their technical understanding of the goals, principles, and actions related to the NDC tracking and reporting process. The national teams will have opportunity to learn on practical experience and best international practice to facilitate their reporting to UNFCCC by using the ETF’s common tabular format (CTF) as a main supporting tool to enhance assessment, tracking and report mitigation. Also, the participants will have opportunity to learn on recent mitigation reporting practice and to identify common challenges in aligning of reporting with enhanced reporting requirements of the ETF. 

Target Audience and Language 

The virtual exchange will bring together relevant transparency stakeholders, specifically technical officers who coordinate the tracking and reporting of NDC mitigation commitments in the countries of Eurasia and Anglophone Africa,  but also government officials at the national and sectoral levels, and staff from technical institutions that are part of countries' institutional arrangements for reporting under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement (BTR). 

The meeting will be held in English.

Duration The webinar will last 1h and 30 min.

Area: Climate mitigation, NDC tracking
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Africa, Europe
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa, Eurasia