Webinar: Long-Term Climate Strategies and the U.N. Climate Action Summit
Webinar: Long-Term Climate Strategies and the U.N. Climate Action Summit
to America/New_York
Location: Online

This webinar, co-organized by the 2050 Pathways Platform, UN Development Programme and World Resources Institute, will highlight the purpose and benefits of long-term strategies and provide a snapshot of countries’ progress ahead of the Summit. It will set the scene and describe the landscape of country experiences on long-term strategies, as well as provide a preview of the upcoming Summit. The benefits of developing long-term strategies will additionally be covered through a discussion on the UK’s Clean Growth Strategy and net-zero emissions goal. The webinar will also feature a moderated Q&A session for participants to ask questions. This webinar is the first in a new series focused on Long-term Climate Strategies under the Paris Agreement. Future webinars will cover topics such as analysis, modeling, and data inputs; good governance; crafting a vision; aligning near- and long-term planning; and managing the transition to a zero carbon economy. We hope you can join us for this discussion on the purpose and benefits of long-term strategies or register above to watch the replay at your convenience. Speakers Richard Baron, Executive Director, 2050 Pathways Platform Pankaj Bhatia, Deputy Climate Director, World Resources Institute  Tony Ripley, Head of Ambition, UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Jenny Liesbeth Mager Santos, Head of Mitigation and Inventories Department, Division of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Chile James Vener, NDC Support Programme, United Nations Development Programme

Agency: UNDP