Webinar: Introduction to the Enhanced Transparency Framework
Webinar: Introduction to the Enhanced Transparency Framework
to UTC
Location: Online

Article 13 of the Paris Agreement established an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) to provide a clear understanding of climate change actions and on the support provided and received, thus promoting the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. At the COP24 in Katowice in December 2018, the Parties to the Paris Agreement adopted the “Katowice Climate Package”, which provides, among other things, the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for the ETF. After two years of intensive technical dialogue on the content and principles, the MPGs provide operational details on the functioning of the ETF, including the information to be reported and the ETF’s timing and processes. In this context, the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) and the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency Global Coordination Platform (CBIT GCP) are organising a series of webinars that will help you reviewing the MPGs for Transparency, in view of the upcoming COP25. This first webinar in the series will consist of an introduction to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement, and will focus on how transparency has evolved from the Convention to the Paris Agreement, why transparency is important at the national and international level, the MPGs and the links with the Paris Agreement, and the timeline of the ETF. The webinar will start with an introduction to the ICAT and the CBIT GCP (10 minutes), followed by a presentation of around 30 minutes, and a Q&A session. Speakers: Dr. Henning Wuester – ICAT Director, UNOPS Speaker from the CBIT GCP – to be announced Federico Antonio Canu – Project Officer, UNEP DTU Partnership Mirko Dal Maso – Programme Associate, UNEP DTU Partnership