Webinar: COP24: New Rules for Finance Transparency
Webinar: COP24: New Rules for Finance Transparency
to America/New_York
Location: Online

At the recent climate talks in Katowice, Poland, Parties agreed to rules and guidelines for how they will report and communicate on finance. Support is a critical element of the Paris Agreement, and better transparency on this can build trust and enhance the effectiveness of finance flows, enabling greater ambition. During this webinar, we will give an overview of the decisions made on reporting and communication of finance provided and mobilized by contributor countries, and reporting on finance needed and received by developing countries. Speakers: Lorena González López – Means of Implementation Adviser, AILAC Support Unit, will speak on developing country reporting on finance needed and received (Art 13.10) Rob Moore – Head of Climate Finance Negotiations, UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, will speak on Article 9.5 communications (ex-ante finance) Vicky Noens, Policy Advisor, Government of Flanders, Belgium, will speak on will speak on reporting of finance provided and mobilised (Article 9.7/13.9) This webinar is part of the Climate Tracking and Transparency webinar series, organized by World Resources Institute’s Tracking and Strengthening Climate Action (TASCA) initiative, together with the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA).