Transparency workshop for BTR training and Scoping for the DPG transparency system
Transparency workshop for BTR training and Scoping for the DPG transparency system
to Africa/Dakar
  1. Background 

 As Parties to the Paris Agreement, all countries agreed to an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) for action and support (Article 13) which considers building mutual trust, and confidence and promoting effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and the NDCs. The ETF demands substantial and immediate progress in countries’ domestic monitoring reporting and verification (MRV) systems and strategic de-carbonization planning. This entails moving from often disintegrated, not consistently updated, and different methodologies and processes of data collection, to integrated and robust systems that require countries to set up new transparency governance structures, develop and implement MRV methodologies and tools, and periodicity update, implement, and integrate new data and information flows.  

 A robust MRV system, also referred to as a transparency system, is important for national policy decisions and is a key requirement for reporting under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. Senegal is expected to participate in existing MRV arrangements of the UNFCCC including preparation and submission of National GHG Inventory Reports, National Communications, and Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) under the Paris Agreement.  In addition to facilitative process for international consultation and analysis. All of which built on the existing national arrangements for MRV. 

   Digital Transparency Systems (DTS) are an important technological element of the Paris Agreement that enables transparency and credibility for progress reporting of goals and actions in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These systems increase efficiency in data collection and reporting and allow for continual updates on progress made. UNDP saw a unique opportunity to cooperatively create open-source, open data, open standards, and a ‘ready to install’ modular DTS that adheres to privacy and other applicable best digital practices. The system is built so that governments can leverage a proven codebase to easily install, launch, and update a sovereign DTS with different modules allowing for tracking of mitigation and adaptation progress, received and needed support, GHG inventory, as well as benefiting from an across-government organized structure for transparency related information. 

UNDP as a co-host of the Digital Public Goods Alliance and is shepherding the next frontier of digital public infrastructure built as digital public goods components that are oriented towards sectoral transformation, with climate being one of the key sectors of UNDP’s global leadership.  

  The Government of Senegal, through the ​Ministry of Petroleum and Energy sought support from the UNDP Transparency Helpdesk to ​design configure and install a digital MRV/transparency system for NDC tracking based on the UNDP open-source DTS codebase.  

Generally, the set-up of the UNDP DTS is done through different phases:  

  1. A Scoping phase to design the key building blocks for the national systems​, engage national institutions and identify User needs. 
  2. An Installation or configuration phase, where all the resources needed such as server, domain, teams, and budget are utilized to install and customize to meet countries' specifics requirements.  
  3. An end-to-end testing and dissemination phase, where the support to enter existing data into the system is provided and a handover training to the government is often organized to ensure knowledge and skill transfer.  
  4. Objectives  

This first mission to Senegal encompasses two primary objectives: BTR Training and Transparency System Scoping. 

  • BTR Training: 

One objective focuses on empowering local experts in the Senegal with the necessary skills for the upcoming Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) scheduled for completion by December 31, 2024. The training program aims to provide knowledge and guide participants through the preparation, drafting, and reporting processes of BTRs. 

  • Transparency System Scoping  

 The second objective involves an examination of the institutional and information systems integral to the climate change-related reporting process in Senegal for the energy sector. This scoping initiative is essential in establishing a solid foundation for the configuration and customization of the national Digital Transparency System so that UNDP can ensure the system meets not only the Paris Agreement requirements for BTR reporting, but also accommodates the unique national circumstances of Senegal. For this objective, the activities will include one-on-one meetings and sessions in the workshop with key government stakeholders involved in climate change information and reporting, as well as development partners who are actively providing support for climate change (if Senegal wishes to include them). 

  1. Expected Results 

The expected results of the mission will be the following: 

  • The one-on-one meetings are designed to foster greater alignment among crucial government stakeholders in the energy sector and ensuring their readiness to meet the updated requirements for Biennial Transparency Reporting (BTR) and adopt the forthcoming digital transparency system for the energy sector in Senegal. 
  • The workshop sessions are dedicated to BTR reporting with the aim to enhance the knowledge of key government stakeholders and in-country development partners, to empower them with the requisite knowledge of BTR reporting needs and advantages, while providing comprehensive guidance on the associated guidelines and requirements. 
  • Furthermore, the workshop sessions related to the digital transparency system will facilitate the collaborative mapping of the existing (‘in practice’) institutional systems and processes utilized by the government for climate change reporting. Additionally, these sessions will enable the mapping of project-level information available in the country. Breakout sessions will be organised by sectors applicable in the NDC (e.g. electricity production, domestic energy, energy efficiency,) Industry, transport, waste agriculture, and forestry . This collaborative effort between UNDP and the government aims to create a practical overview of the Senegal’s current institutional landscape, enhancing the groundwork for the subsequent implementation of an effective digital transparency system. 
Area: Climate adaptation, Climate mitigation, Climate support, Climate transparency, Data collection and management, GHG inventory, Institutional arrangements, NDC tracking
Sector: AFOLU, Energy
Region: Africa
Language: English, French
Agency: UNDP
Country: Senegal
Transparency Network: Francophone