Training workshop on transitioning to the ETF and tracking of progress in implementing and achieving NDCs for Asia Region
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Training workshop on transitioning to the ETF and tracking of progress in implementing and achieving NDCs for Asia Region
to Asia/Singapore
Location: Singapore
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The Singapore Government and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) are co-organising a Training Workshop on Transitioning to the ETF and Tracking of Progress in Implementing and Achieving NDCs, with support from the UNFCCC Secretariat, from 8 to 10 March 2023 in Singapore.

The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to prepare successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and communicate them every five years. Further, all Parties must include information on tracking progress of implementation and achievement of their NDCs in their biennial transparency reports (BTRs) following modalities, procedures, and guidelines (MPGs) for the enhanced transparency framework (ETF). With Parties needing to start submitting their BTRs, at the latest, by 31 December 2024 (and then every two years thereon), enhanced understanding and capacity among developing country Parties is essential to achieving universal participation and implementation.


This training workshop aims to enhance the technical capacities of national experts who are involved in preparing NDCs and BTRs, including tracking progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs, as well as implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The key objectives of the workshop are as follows:
▪ Familiarize participants with the MPGs for the enhanced transparency framework;
▪ Facilitate the identification of nationally appropriate indicators to track progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs, and institutional arrangements necessary to maintain the identified indictors and keep them up to date;
▪ Highlight the role of a high-quality national GHG inventory as a solid basis for the tracking of progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs;
▪ Introduce the key provisions of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and how it links to tracking progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs; and
▪ Identify areas of improvement, foster peer-learning and exchange of experiences and lessons learned.

Area: Climate adaptation, Climate mitigation, Climate support, Climate transparency, Cross-cutting, Data collection and management, GHG inventory, Institutional arrangements, NDC tracking
Sector: AFOLU, Buildings, Energy, Industry, Livestock, Tourism, Transport, Waste
Region: Asia
Language: English
Country: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam
Transparency Network: Asia