Soft launch of GHG Data Management Tool (GHG-DM Tool)
Soft launch of GHG Data Management Tool (GHG-DM Tool)
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Location: Online

This excel-based package helps GHG inventory compilers manage the information related to the activity data (AD) and parameters in the AFOLU, Energy, IPPU, and Waste sectors. Each excel file contains a comprehensive list of AD and parameters that must be collected to estimate all categories within the said sectors. This tool helps GHG inventory compilers to:      - understand what data is needed for estimating emissions from the sector;      - collect information on sources of the required data;      - communicate with data providers on the definitions and units of the data;      - improve the transparency and replicability of the estimates. This tool must be used in conjunction with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines that provides further explanations on the information needed.