Sharing of Best Practices on the Establishment of Online MRV Systems - An Exchange between Armenia, Uruguay and Belize
Sharing of Best Practices on the Establishment of Online MRV Systems - An Exchange between Armenia, Uruguay and Belize
to Asia/Yerevan
Location: Central Asia and the Caucasus

--The recording of the webinar can be found on our Youtube Channel here.--


In response to the request of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia to the CBIT-GSP project on sharing the best practices of online MRV systems, a virtual webinar is organized to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and lessons learned among the experts of Armenia, Uruguay and Belize.

The main objective of the virtual webinar is to improve the understanding and knowledge of the experts of Armenia and other countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus about existing online MRV systems by sharing best practices and lessons from countries, which have already set-up similar transparency systems.

Target Audience and Language
The virtual webinar is targeted towards representatives of the Ministry of Environment (Climate Policy Department, Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center and other Ministry departments) and UNDP Climate Change projects. 

The meeting will be held in English.

Representatives of other countries from the CBIT-GSP Regional Networks, who are interested in the topic, can also attend the virtual webinar.


Area: Climate transparency, Institutional arrangements
Region: Asia
Language: English
Agency: CBIT-GSP
Country: Armenia, Belize, Uruguay
Transparency Network: Anglophone Caribbean, Central Asia and Caucasus, Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean