Session 1: Learning Exchange on Planning and Development of First BTR in Anglophone Africa Transparency Network
Session 1: Learning Exchange on Planning and Development of First BTR in Anglophone Africa Transparency Network
to Africa/Nairobi
Location: Online
Webinar on the Planning for the Development of the First BTR Anglophone Africa

The link for the video recording can be found here.


The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, introduced an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) with the aim of promoting trust and clarity among Parties and tracking progress towards achieving the goals of the Agreement. The modalities, procedures, and guidelines (MPGs) for the ETF as contained in decision 18/CMA.1 and the guidance for operationalizing the MPGs as contained in decision 5/CMA.3 apply to all Parties but consider their differing capacities. With the launch of the strengthened transparency framework of the Paris Agreement, all countries are called upon to submit their first biennial transparency report (BRT) by December 2024. In recognition of their national circumstances, LDCs/ SIDS are offered additional discretion in reporting, where they can choose to submit the information in their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) at their discretion. 

2024 is, therefore, crucial for countries developing and reporting their first BTRs. This information gathered through the BTRs will feed into the global stocktake, assessing collective progress toward long-term climate goals. The transition to BTRs and MPGs will involve increasing the quantity, detail, and rigor of information to be submitted, mainly for developing countries. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that countries begin to internalize the new requirements for timely, transparent, and quality reporting to the UNFCCC as soon as possible.

To this end, CBIT-GSP intends to support the countries in this important process by bringing national experts together on key reporting areas of BTR, reviewing the GHG inventories, and providing a platform for sharing best practices and lessons learned on ETF. 


Encourage the exchange of experiences and lessons learned among experts from the Anglophone Africa Transparency Network countries to support the planning, development, and timely submission of the first BTR to the UNFCCC.

Target Audience

The webinar convenes CBIT-GSP focal points and thematic experts from the Climate Transparency Network countries and other stakeholders in planning, developing, and submitting countries’ BTRs and other climate transparency reports to the UNFCCC.

Area: Climate transparency, Cross-cutting, Institutional arrangements, Update of national documents
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Africa
Language: English
Agency: CBIT-GSP
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa