Papua New Guinea's GEF FAO - Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Inception Workshop
Papua New Guinea's GEF FAO - Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Inception Workshop
to Pacific/Port_Moresby
Location: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

1. Background Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector is the most important sector in Climate Change in Papua New Guinea (PNG) as it contains the largest sources of greenhouse gas emission as well as a carbon sink. The sector plays an important role in PNG’s effort to climate change mitigation, particular in REDD+ since PNG’s forests cover about 78% of PNG’s 46.2 million hectares of land which is home to the world’s third-largest tropical rainforest (PNGFA, 2019). Agriculture accounts for about 21% of employment in PNG  and over 80% of Papua New Guineans are employed in subsistence-based or informal economic activities including community forestry, agriculture, fishing, and artisanal and small-scale mining (World Bank, 2011). Emissions from AFOLU sector has been significantly increasing trend between 2000 and 2015 (PNG BUR1, 2019) and such trend is expected to continue concurrently to national economic growth, as demand increases for forest and agricultural commodities—fueled by both domestic and international markets, and demands of the rural populace put increasing demands on the forest for food, fodder, fuel and building materials (PNG NDC, 2015). Thus, land-use change—particularly from forest to cropland—is a major consideration in PNG’s climate-related priorities and measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) efforts.  Forest conservation is also the priority adaptation measure considering that majority populations rely on the forest for their living in many ways in PNG. PNG’s Nationally Determined Contribution (2015) states that the primary mitigation effort lies in reducing emissions from land-use change and forestry by reducing deforestation and promoting forest conservation.  PNG has been leading international negotiations to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) since PNG together with Cost Rica submitted the agenda to the UNFCCC COP in 2005.  Since then, PNG has also been putting significant effort into REDD+ readiness.  PNG has established National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) containing National Forest Inventory (NFI) and REDD+ Web-portal, which were launched by the Prime Minister in 2016.  REDD+ Forest Reference Level (FRL) was established using NFMS data and submitted to UNFCCC in 2017.  National REDD+ Strategy was formulated in 2017 based on the NFMS data on deforestation and forest degradation driver.  PNG submitted the first Biennial Update Report (BUR) and its REDD+ Technical Annex to UNFCCC in 2019.  REDD+ Technical Annex is the report of REDD+ results against the FRL and PNG was 8th country in the world to submit it.  Although PNG has been making significant progress on monitoring and reporting on climate change, there are still significant gaps on PNG MRV systems for example, with respect to (i) establishment of nationally specific emissions factors and activity data (for IPCC Tier 2 reporting for key categories), (ii) full determination of key sub-categories, (iii) uncertainty estimates, (iv) establishment of metadata and quality-control protocols, (v) reliable measurement of activity data for key IPCC AFOLU categories, (vi) feasibility studies for adaptation-related interventions, (vii) prioritization and specification of adaptation-related metrics, and (viii) ensuring the financial and operational sustainability of MRV initiatives.  PNG must continue putting effort to close these gaps. The landmark Paris Agreement which was adopted at the Twenty-First Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and entered into force on 4 November 2016, aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change and requires all Parties to establish robust measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems and to communicate their efforts to UNFCCC. Article 13 of the Paris Agreement makes provisions for this process, establishing an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), for tracking country progress. The Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) for Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) project’s primary aim is to improve the quality of information available to stakeholders regarding climate change in Papua New Guinea’s agriculture, forestry, and other land uses (AFOLU) sector.  The project is funded in part through the CBIT of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).  FAO oversees the implementation and execution of this project.  The primary execution partner is the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA). 2. Objectives and Expected Outcomes from the workshop 2.1 Key objectives: The main objectives of the workshop are to: Inform the commencement of GEF-CBIT project to the public Consult stakeholders about the project contents and management structure Consult stakeholders about the draft AFOLU and REDD+ MRV Action Plan (2020-2024) Share recent global trend in climate change including opportunities and latest technologies Launch PNG’s first BUR submission to UNFCCC (back to back event after the workshop)   2.2 Expected outcomes: The expected outcomes from the inception workshop include: Improved understanding and agreement on project objectives and expected results, stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities and management arrangements; Agreement on the content and stakeholder engagement in the AFOLU and REDD+ MRV Action Plan (2020-2024).   3. Participants The participants will include representatives from the following public, private, academia and civil society organizations: Public Sector - Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA), Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA), Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL), Department of Lands and Physical Planning (DLPP), etc. International Development Partners – Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), AusAid, GGGI, USAID Civil Society Organisations – The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Academia – University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), PNG University of Technology (UNITECH), PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment (UNRE), PNG National Research Institute (NRI), PNG National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI). Private Sector – New Britain Palm Oil Limited (NBPOL), Oil Palm Industry Corporation (OPIC), PNG Forest Industry Association (FIA) Media

Agency: UNEP-CCC