Introduction to the Climate Transparency Platform for Agencies and Support Organisations
Introduction to the Climate Transparency Platform for Agencies and Support Organisations
to Europe/Copenhagen
Location: Online

The Climate Transparency Platform, under the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency-Global Support Programme, is a one-stop for transparency, covering everything related to the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement and the continued reporting under the UNFCCC. The Platform is part of the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency -Global Support Programme.

Newly launched on 9 June 2023, the Platform provides a global overview of transparency initiatives and developing countries transparency efforts, allowing users to stay up to date on the latest developments, events, and knowledge products, as well as get detailed information on any developing country, support provider and transparency projects. The Platform also serves as space for coordination among transparency support providers, and for countries to directly request support to cover specific needs for transparency in all areas of the Enhanced Transparency Framework.

Importantly, the Platform has a dedicated space for Agencies, including individual Agency pages to allow for updating on the latest News & Events, ongoing Projects, Knowledge Products and, most importantly, Support available to Countries.


The main objective of this webinar is to introduce the new Climate Transparency Platform to all Agencies, presenting the different functions of the Platform with a particular focus on the Agency pages in an interactive manner. Practical exercises will be conducted for the editing of the pages for the Agencies, such as updating a project and uploading an event. Lastly, this webinar will also serve to discuss a Draft Agency Coordination Mechanism for the Platform as a collaborative space for Agencies to share, exchange and coordinate their transparency support efforts. Current elements in the Platform already include a Collective Calendar to avoid the clashing of events as well as a Collective List of Knowledge Products in planning.

Area: Climate transparency, Cross-cutting