Inception Workshop
Inception Workshop
to Asia/Baku
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan

Inception Workshop for “Capacity Building for Azerbaijan to meet the requirements of enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement” project On July 8, 2022, Inception Workshop was held within the framework of the technical assistance project “Capacity Building for Azerbaijan to meet the requirements of enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement”. The event attended by representatives of government institutions, international organizations, private sector, civil society organizations, academia and experts on climate change. During the meeting, the structure, components and expected results of the project were presented and for successful implementation of the activities next steps were discussed. It should be noted that the main goal of the project is to ensure reliable monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems in Azerbaijan. The project is implementing with financial support of the Global Environment Facility by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the UN Environment Programme and the Azerbaijan Branch of the Regional Ecological Center for Caucasus.