High-Level Dialogue: Advancing Climate Transparency through Universal Participation in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
In Person
High-Level Dialogue: Advancing Climate Transparency through Universal Participation in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
to Asia/Baku
Location: Baku, Azerbaijani

At COP21 in 2015, Parties adopted the Paris Agreement and through it established an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) designed to build trust and confidence that all countries are contributing to the global effort. The implementation of the Paris Agreement and its operational details, including the ETF and its modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) that are applicable to all countries require enhanced technical understanding and capacities. Recognizing that Parties have different starting points, the ETF and its MPGs provide flexibility to those developing country Parties that need it in the light of their capacities for some of the specific provisions of the MPGs.
In this context, all Parties to the Paris Agreement are required to submit their first Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR), in accordance with the MPGs, at the latest by 31 December 2024 and every two years from thereon. LDCs and SIDS may submit the first BTR at their discretion. Once Parties submit their BTRs, they will undergo a technical expert review (TER) of information reported, and ultimately engage in a facilitative multilateral consideration of progress (FMCP), which will help to foster mutual trust and cooperation.
With a view to contributing to on-going efforts to achieve universal participation in the ETF, the COP29 Presidency, with the support of the UNFCCC Secretariat, organized a training workshop from 13 to 14 May 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. The workshop united several groups of stakeholders committed to joining forces in preparation for implementation of the ETF.
Building on these efforts, the COP29 Presidency will host a High-Level Dialogue on 3 September to continue driving momentum for increased transparency action in the lead-up to COP29.



This high-level dialogue aims to build confidence among Parties and raise political awareness of the importance of universal participation in the ETF. It also seeks to foster collaboration among stakeholders to support the successful implementation of the ETF and the timely submission of BTRs. By providing a platform for high-level discussions, the dialogue aims to identify and address capacity gaps and technical needs of Parties, ensuring that all countries are well-prepared to meet their transparency obligations.

Additionally, this dialogue will serve as an opportunity to reinforce the political commitment to transparency and accountability in climate action. It will highlight the critical role of transparency in building mutual trust and enhancing international cooperation, ultimately supporting the global effort to combat climate change.
This event will feature the launch of the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform (BTP). The initial objective of the BTP is to enhance confidence among the Parties and support the capacity-building efforts of developing country Parties in preparing and finalizing their BTRs. The Platform aims to promote networking between countries and stakeholders to provide support in the preparation and submission of first BTRs and beyond. The BTP will foster political momentum for the submission of the BTRs and provide a platform for implementation and achieving universal participation in the ETF.

The COP29 Presidency will also utilize the High-Level Dialogue to consult with Parties on the BTP and incorporate their feedback in further development cycles of the BTP. We look forward to your active participation and contributions as we mark this pivotal step towards enhancing global climate transparency with you.


Area: Climate transparency
Region: Global
Language: English
Country: Azerbaijan
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa, Anglophone Caribbean, Asia, Central Asia and Caucasus, Eurasia, Francophone, Lusophone Cluster, Middle East and North Africa, Pacific, Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean