Developing National Climate Change Statistics Report for Enhanced Transparency Reporting | Anglophone Africa
Developing National Climate Change Statistics Report for Enhanced Transparency Reporting | Anglophone Africa
to Africa/Nairobi
Location: Online

You can access the YouTube video for the webinar on this Link .


Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), established under the Paris Agreement, requires all Parties to submit their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) by the end of 2024. The provision of clear and understandable data and information in the BTR and the NDC plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency under the Enhanced Transparency Frameworks (ETF) and supports achieving the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement.

BTR requires countries to provide information on national inventory reports (NIRs), progress towards NDCs, policies and measures, climate change impacts and adaptation, capacity-building needs, and areas of improvement. 

The Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators is a statistical framework that links the reporting requirements stemming from the Paris Agreement and the agreed reporting modalities’ Katowice package' to the indicators necessary to support climate policy action. It is structured in three tiers, which follow the internationally accepted frameworks, standards, and guidelines relevant to climate change. 

Following the Statistical Commission’s decisions at its forty-seventh and forty-ninth sessions (2016 and 2018, respectively), UNSD developed the Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators in collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to promote the policy and statistics interface. This was later adopted in March 2022 by the Statistical Commission at its fifty-third session.

The Global Set is the statistical framework for monitoring and reporting climate action with suitable indicators to guide countries to prepare their own sets. It links the reporting requirements from the Paris Agreement and the agreed Modalities, Procedures, and Guidelines for implementing the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) to the indicators necessary to support climate action. In this way, the Global Set supports the implementation of the ETF, the Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement, and climate-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators.

The global set is a comprehensive statistical framework with statistics, indicators, and metadata designed to support countries in preparing their own sets of climate change statistics and indicators according to their individual concerns, priorities, and resources. It assists countries embarking on the development of climate change statistics programmes by providing the scope and coverage as to what may be considered relevant to climate change. It also assists countries already involved in this area of statistics by providing a reference list. 

The statistics gathered through this process will assist the countries in meeting their reporting obligations of the Paris Agreement by feeding into National Communications, Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV) and BTR, among other reports. The generated statistics will also be used to monitor climate change and support climate policy formulation, planning, action and facilitating research.


During assessing support needs on transparency reporting, the countries of Anglophone Africa Countries expressed the need to build their capacities to develop national reports on climate change statistics and indicators. The statistics would feed into the National Communications, NDCs, BTR, and NAPs reports. Thus, the countries of Anglophone Africa are invited to participate in a webinar and share experiences. 


The main objective of the webinar is to share experiences among the Anglophone African countries on specific steps and approaches countries are undertaking to develop national reports on climate change statistics and indicators. 


Area: Climate transparency, Cross-cutting, GHG inventory, Sustainable development
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Africa
Language: English
Agency: CBIT-GSP
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa