Deep-dive into preparation and reporting of results of national GHG inventories under the ETF of the Paris Agreement
Deep-dive into preparation and reporting of results of national GHG inventories under the ETF of the Paris Agreement
to Europe/Copenhagen
Location: Online


Recording of the webinar you can find HERE



The MPGs, formulated to implement transparency in reporting under the Paris Agreement, defined specific new requirements for reporting the results of national GHG inventories. As such, information on national GHG inventory results should be included in a specific chapter of the BTR (Chapter I) and supporting information should be included in the annexes. In addition, all Parties must provide a national inventory report (NIR), which consists of a national inventory document (NID) and the common reporting tables (CRT), to the UNFCCC as part of each country's BTR submission process.
A large number of countries now count with the skills to prepare national GHG inventories, cultivated as part of the preparation of their previous National Communications and BUR. Some of them, as part of the process of preparing their BTR, have already started the work of updating their current inventories. However, the task of reporting on the associated processes that lead to the development of inventories and on the data, results are also key aspects to ensure that countries comply with the transparency conditions established in the Article 13 and can become a challenge for the countries. 

The objective of the CBIT-GSP is to provide streamlined support and capacity-building at the national, regional, and global level to assist developing countries in responding to the reporting provisions under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework, and ultimately increase ambition for climate action. The CBIT-GSP is planning to achieve this through multiple support modalities, including the establishment and work of 10 Regional Networks across the globe to foster south-south collaboration, knowledge-sharing and learning among countries. The Regional Networks for Central Asia and Caucasus and Eurasia are invited to participate in a joint training exercise on reporting the national GHG inventory under the MPGs, which was assessed as one of the priorities on capacity building for transparency in the regional networks. The event will be hosted by the Government of Georgia, and held in Tbilisi.


This webinar is the initial stage of a whole training concept to be carried out in support of countries belonging to the Central Asia & Caucasus and Eurasia Regional Transparency Network under the CBIT-GSP project, on tools and approaches to improve preparation and reporting of results of national GHG inventories following guidelines issued under the Paris Agreement. The introductory webinar provides instructions to the participants on the other parts of the training workshop and summarizes some of the most relevant content to be included in greater detail in the face-to-face training that will take place on 23-25 April 2024 in Tbilisi (Georgia).

Target Audience and Language 

This activity is intended for technical officers who coordinate at country level the preparation of the national GHG inventory. This includes government staff at the national and sectoral levels, and staff from other institutions that are part of countries' institutional arrangements for reporting GHG emissions under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement (Biennial Transparency Reports). The webinar will be held in English and Russian with simultaneous translation provided in both languages.

Duration and Registration 

It is expected that the webinar will last up to 2 hours with sufficient timing dedicated to discussion and Q&A sessions.

Area: GHG inventory
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Asia, Europe
Language: English, Russian
Country: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Transparency Network: Central Asia and Caucasus, Eurasia