Consultation meeting on the development of data sharing agreements on climate change related data for greenhouse gas inventories
Consultation meeting on the development of data sharing agreements on climate change related data for greenhouse gas inventories
to Africa/Harare
Location: Chegutu, Zimbabwe

As part of implementing Output 1.1 the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry through the CBIT project has identified a team of consultants to develop climate change Institutional arrangements, legal frameworks, under output 1.1 highlighted above. One of the key deliverables is a set of data sharing agreements between key data providers and the ministry responsible for GHG inventory compilation and reporting. The GHG related activity data is generated across all the sectors of the economy and is required in specific format hence the need to standardize and formalize its collection. It is against this background that a data sharing agreement consultation and development meeting is being organized to facilitate the development of these data sharing agreements. The objectives of the meeting are to:  Share, refine and finalise the GHG data sharing agreement templates developed by the consultancy team.  Raise awareness to key stakeholder on the importance of climate data for reporting purposes under the ETF, and populate the individual data sharing agreements by the GHG activity data providers