Conference: Africa Climate Week 2019
Conference: Africa Climate Week 2019
to Africa/Accra
Location: Ghana

The provisional program for Africa Climate Week 2019, which is being hosted from 18–22 March in Accra, Ghana, has now been published online – showcasing a dynamic schedule of activities that will demonstrate enhanced ambition across the continent. Full details concerning topics and speakers will follow in due course. Hosted by the Government of Ghana, the event arrives in the wake of the COP24 international climate negotiations, which concluded with the successful finalization of the ‘Katowice Climate Package’ on 15 December – also known as the Paris Agreement Work Programme. It therefore represents the first major climate-orientated event in 2019 that will promote the Programme’s ‘guidelines’ as the underpinning to practically implement the Paris Agreement. One session will be specifically about Capacity-building for Transparency. The Africa Climate Week is the first of three annual regional climate events this year – the latter two being the Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week and the Asia Pacific Climate Week – information around each of these events will be released shortly. The Africa Climate Week is being orchestrated by a number of core partners, including World Bank Group, African Development Bank, West African Development Bank, CTCN, UNEP, UNEP DTU Partnership, UNDP, IETA, Marrakech Partnership and UN Climate Change. The programme of the Africa Climate Week can be found here: Read more the Africa Climate Week here: