A closing conversation with FAO - CBIT-Forest Phase II: Growing from past experience, innovating for the future
A closing conversation with FAO - CBIT-Forest Phase II: Growing from past experience, innovating for the future
to Europe/Copenhagen
Location: Online


The Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) is pleased to invite you to attend the webinar “A closing conversation with FAO - CBIT- Forest Phase II: Growing from past experience, innovating for the future” on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at 11:00 CET.

Through a conversation with the FAO-CBIT Global Forest project team, this webinar will provide an overview of the Project’s objectives and activities with a focus on improving forest data collection and analyzing. It will also offer an in-depth exploration of the Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) and Food and Agriculture Microdata (FAM) platforms.

This webinar is part of a series of webinars with different CBIT projects who have finalized their projects or are about to conclude. The aim of the webinar series is to provide countries and agencies the opportunity to present the results of their CBIT project and share their lessons learned, good practices and tools with other countries and the wider transparency community.

Target Audience and Language

This webinar is open to everyone who is interested in learning from other CBIT projects, including country representatives, transparency practitioners and international organizations. It is particularly useful for countries who are implementing a CBIT project or are preparing their first or second CBIT project right now.

The webinar will be held in English.

Links to platforms: FRA, FAM (contact: FAM-Catalogue@fao.org)
Area: Climate transparency, Cross-cutting, Data collection and management, GHG inventory
Sector: AFOLU
Region: Global
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa, Anglophone Caribbean, Asia, Central Asia and Caucasus, Eurasia, Francophone, Lusophone Cluster, Middle East and North Africa, Pacific, Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean