Capacity needs for transparency in Central Asia: addressing the existing gaps and determining perspectives for future interventions
Capacity needs for transparency in Central Asia: addressing the existing gaps and determining perspectives for future interventions
Location: Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Participants of the Central Asia Climate Change Conference in Dushanbe


The Parallel Session was held in the frameworks of the Central Asia Climate Change Conference-2023: “Towards water, energy and food security in the context of a changing climate” (16-17 May 2023, Dushanbe, Tajikistan).

The main objective of this parallel session is to update the UNFCCC National Focal Points of Central Asia about existing initiatives on capacity building for transparency and to discuss gaps and needs remained unaddressed for future interventions.

The session also aims to discuss the way how the global, regional and country-based initiatives on transparency can cover the existing and future gaps and needs of Central Asia in order to avoid duplication and complement from the collaborative approach.

Target audience, language and duration

The parallel session is jointly organized by CAREC, ICAT,  FAO and UNEP-CCC. The event will bring together UNFCCC NFP, key experts and specialists of Central Asia on transparency and climate reporting, international organizations, such as FAO, GIZ, ICAT, CAREC, UNFCCC, UNDP, UNEP, MDBs, and climate funds, which deal with the transparency agenda in the region. 

The meeting was held in Russian with simultaneous translation in English/Russian

Duration of the session is 1.5 hrs.


Area: Climate adaptation, Climate mitigation, Climate support, Climate transparency, GHG inventory, Institutional arrangements, NDC tracking
Region: Asia
Language: Russian