Are you ready to make your GHG inventory transparent? An overview of section II of the modalities, procedures and guidelines
Are you ready to make your GHG inventory transparent? An overview of section II of the modalities, procedures and guidelines
to Europe/Rome
Location: ZOOM

The webinar introduces section II of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) which deal with national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGI). It looks at the differences between the current Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) system and the new Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). The webinar offers insights into the new reporting requirements that are part of the biennial transparency reports (BTR) with a specific focus on the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector. Participants are guided through the new GHGI reporting requirements and most common challenges that countries could face when moving to the ETF. FAO's Global “capacity-building towards enhanced transparency in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector” (CBIT-AFOLU) project's activities, including an e-learning course on "Preparing a greenhouse gas inventory under the Enhanced Transparency Framework", are also covered. Main objectives Highlight the importance of making the GHG inventory compliant with ETF requirements. Familiarize participants with the most common challenges to enhancing the transparency of the NGHGI. Present FAO’s revised e-learning course on GHG inventories. Introduce the next event of the ETF webinar series.